Sunday, September 19, 2010

REDISCOVERY SERIES 1 (Every time - Hillsong United)

Good day everyone!
This is a brand new start of a series for you to follow (or not to follow...haha)
Seriously, this series focuses on an analysis of things I recently discovered. Hence entitled, REDISCOVERY. These are a cornucopia of various media, or simply anything that is extremely fascinating.
I would opt to speak less and present more.
Here we go, this is the first installment of the series.

Hillsong United

Jesus, I love You, 
I need You, my Saviour
Jesus, Your love 

it has healed me opened my heart

Jesus, I thank You 

for all that You've given
Jesus, I stand here 

amazed at forgiveness

Every time I close my eyes,
Im filled with awe at all you've done
Every time I think on You,
Im grateful for Your Love

Oh Lord, here I am, raise my hands
I surrender
Oh Lord, here I am at your Throne,
Sweet abandon 


How I Discovered

It was a Wednesday. The Holy Spirit led me in choosing the songs I will need for the worship service that is for Sunday. I was hesitant to pick some of the songs because it might not match the whole theme of the worship service. But He led me to pick some songs and this song struck me. It was an intervention of the Holy Spirit. All I can do is obey. I picked this song and added it into the list.
Sunday came, and the worship service transpired. I thought they might forget the song afterwards, but I was wrong. It inspired them especially some of the youth. I felt really blessed because I knew they sang it whole heartedly for the Lord that they never forgot it, and the song struck their hearts too. This song also inspired me to to blog again. Hence, this is what you are reading now.

"I'm grateful for your love..."

This song is a profession of love to God. The first stanza began with "Jesus, I love you" which clearly states an expression of love to Jesus. The succeeding lines of the first and second stanza are an expression of gratefulness for act of love which Jesus did at the cross. He died just to save us from our eternal death - which is the price of sin. It is also an expression of thanksgiving to our Savior - Jesus Christ.

"Every time I close my eyes..."

This means two things, this act is when a person ready himself to sleep, or when he thinks deeply of a certain thing. But it was clearly the latter as expressed in the third line of the chorus, which is "Every time I think of You". This means that it is an act of thinking deeply. 

Thinking Deeply

We think deeply because of certain things. This is when we reminisce everything that just happened. We think deeply when we did something remarkable. We think deeply when we analyze and study. We also think deep when we create major decisions. Finally, we think deep when we recognize someone who just did something big for you.

No matter what the conditions are, always think of God. Whenever we are lost, whenever we feel weak, whenever we need someone to lean to, or just a nearby friend to talk to. He is right there for you.

"I surrender...; Sweet abandon..."

Finally, the song crosses another level. When we love someone, we are ready to sacrifice what we want or who we are right now, for that person. We are ready to leave what we have for that certain somebody. We are ready to embrace a new chapter in our life alongside with that person. This is an act of love - sacrifice. 

When we refer to the song. The expression of love is not just a murmur of words or a play of actions. It is an abandonment of oneself for God. What Jesus had done on the cross is a perfect expression of love. If you are thinking to hang  yourself at the cross to equal that love, you are wrong. 

There is no perfect replay of that act of love.

We are not worthy for that. Only Jesus is. We are sinners, so we are not deserving for that sacrifice. But Jesus did it just for You. Because He loves you, and loves you very much.

What we can do is to offer our lives as living sacrifices for our Lord.

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