Wednesday, September 22, 2010

What happens after school? ( My real-life experience)

You are used to working hard up to the wee hours to the morning, exhausting every pound of blood and labor to recreate your concept of perfection, even draining your last battery of energy just to finish up a masterpiece then suddenly, you STOPPED.

Boom! Goodbye school, Hello Illness.

That's what happened to me. (with no exaggerations, your honor.)  That's what you get when you're really stressed-out then you do nothing to suppress the load of stress your'e carrying. I remembered I really had slept at least 4 hours, or maybe 3 hours but it's really wasn't enough. 

Or maybe the illness is heavily intensified with other factors such as lifestyle modifications, the weather, or maybe some unruly kids trying to ruin your sweet vacation.

or maybe it's a Post-school syndrome. You know, by really working hard to earn something you really wanted, you really really deserve a pound or even a barrel of rest.  Maybe my body needs it so badly that I've been bed-ridden for 3 days, recovering for at least one week to regain my health.

That's why it's important for students (or anyone) to de-stress every once in a while to sustain the adjustments needed by our body. You know, our body (and our health) is a precious treasure, and it is entrusted to us by God to take good care of it. 

So I ask Mr. Google what might be his possible recommendations, and whoa, he gave me a whopping 623,000 suggestions. 

So out of some galactic techie junk, I've stumbled upon

Here are some of the tips shared to us by Elizabeth Scott, M.S

1. Power Naps
Students, with their packed schedules, are notorious for missing sleep. Unfortunately, operating in a sleep-deprived state puts you at a distinct disadvantage. You’re less productive, you may find it more difficult to learn, and you may even be a hazard behind the wheel! Learn more about the effects of sleep deprivation and the value of the power nap; for busy students, it’s a must!

2. Visualizations
This one is easy, effective, and can help you to do better in school. Visualizations can help you calm down, detach from what’s stressing you, and turn off your body’s stress response. You can also use visualizations to prepare for presentations, to stress less and score higher on tests by vividly seeing yourself performing just as you’d like to. Learn more about how to use guided imagery and visualizations to reduce stress and prepare for success. (see yourself doing well)

3. Exercise
One of the healthiest ways to blow off steam is to get a regular exercise program going. Students can work exercise easily into their schedules by doing yoga in the morning, walking or biking to campus, or reviewing for tests with a friend while walking on a treadmill at the gym. Starting now and keeping a regular exercise practice throughout your lifetime can help you live longer and enjoy your life more.

4. Breathing Exerc
When your body is experiencing a stress response, you’re often not thinking as clearly as you could be. A quick way to calm down is to practice breathing exercises. These can be done virtually anywhere to relieve stress in minutes, and are especially effective for reducing anxiety before or even during tests, as well as during other times when stress feels overwhelming. Learn more about how to practice breathing exercises.

5. PMR
Another great stress reliever that can be used during tests as well as before bed (to prepare for sleep), or at other times when stress has you physically ‘wound up’, is something called Progressive Muscle Relaxation, or PMR. This technique involves tensing and relaxing all muscles until the body is completely relaxed. With practice, you can learn to release stress from your body in seconds. Learn more about PMR.

6. Music
A convenient stress reliever that has also shown many cognitive benefits, music can help you to relieve stress and either calm yourself down or stimulate your mind as your situation warrants. Students can harness the benefits of music by playing classical music while studying, playing upbeat music to ‘wake up’ mentally, or relaxing with the help of their favorite slow melodies. Learn more about why and how music is a great stress reliever, and how to use music for stress management.

7. Staying Organized
It’s a fact that clutter causes stress, and can decrease productivity and even cost you money! Many students live in a cluttered place and even have cluttered study areas, and this can have negative effects on grades. One way to reduce the amount of stress that you experience as a student is to keep a minimalist, soothing study area that’s free of distractions and clutter. It’s worth the effort!

8. Eat Right
You may not realize it, but your diet can either boost your brain power or sap you of mental energy! While a healthy diet isn’t generally thought of as a stress management technique or a study aid, it can actually function as both! Read more on the consequences of a poor diet, and learn how to relieve stress with a healthy diet. It takes virtually no extra time, and can keep you from experiencing diet-related mood swings, light-headedness and more.

9. Self Hypnosis
Students often find themselves ‘getting very sleepy’ (like when they pull all-nighters), but—all kidding aside—self hypnosis can be an effective stress management tool and a power productivity tool as well. With it, you can help yourself release tension from your body and stress from your mind, and plant the seeds of success in your subconscious mind with the power of autosuggestion.

10. Positive Thinking and Affirmations
Did you know that optimists actually experience better circumstances, in part, because their way of thinking helps to create better circumstances in their lives? It’s true! The habit of optimism and positive thinking can bring better health, better relationships, and, yes, better grades. Learn how to train your brain for more positive self talk and a brighter future withaffirmations and other tools for optimism.

So Remember, when you are STRESSED, always DE-STRESS.

Sunday, September 19, 2010

REDISCOVERY SERIES 1 (Every time - Hillsong United)

Good day everyone!
This is a brand new start of a series for you to follow (or not to follow...haha)
Seriously, this series focuses on an analysis of things I recently discovered. Hence entitled, REDISCOVERY. These are a cornucopia of various media, or simply anything that is extremely fascinating.
I would opt to speak less and present more.
Here we go, this is the first installment of the series.

Hillsong United

Jesus, I love You, 
I need You, my Saviour
Jesus, Your love 

it has healed me opened my heart

Jesus, I thank You 

for all that You've given
Jesus, I stand here 

amazed at forgiveness

Every time I close my eyes,
Im filled with awe at all you've done
Every time I think on You,
Im grateful for Your Love

Oh Lord, here I am, raise my hands
I surrender
Oh Lord, here I am at your Throne,
Sweet abandon 


How I Discovered

It was a Wednesday. The Holy Spirit led me in choosing the songs I will need for the worship service that is for Sunday. I was hesitant to pick some of the songs because it might not match the whole theme of the worship service. But He led me to pick some songs and this song struck me. It was an intervention of the Holy Spirit. All I can do is obey. I picked this song and added it into the list.
Sunday came, and the worship service transpired. I thought they might forget the song afterwards, but I was wrong. It inspired them especially some of the youth. I felt really blessed because I knew they sang it whole heartedly for the Lord that they never forgot it, and the song struck their hearts too. This song also inspired me to to blog again. Hence, this is what you are reading now.

"I'm grateful for your love..."

This song is a profession of love to God. The first stanza began with "Jesus, I love you" which clearly states an expression of love to Jesus. The succeeding lines of the first and second stanza are an expression of gratefulness for act of love which Jesus did at the cross. He died just to save us from our eternal death - which is the price of sin. It is also an expression of thanksgiving to our Savior - Jesus Christ.

"Every time I close my eyes..."

This means two things, this act is when a person ready himself to sleep, or when he thinks deeply of a certain thing. But it was clearly the latter as expressed in the third line of the chorus, which is "Every time I think of You". This means that it is an act of thinking deeply. 

Thinking Deeply

We think deeply because of certain things. This is when we reminisce everything that just happened. We think deeply when we did something remarkable. We think deeply when we analyze and study. We also think deep when we create major decisions. Finally, we think deep when we recognize someone who just did something big for you.

No matter what the conditions are, always think of God. Whenever we are lost, whenever we feel weak, whenever we need someone to lean to, or just a nearby friend to talk to. He is right there for you.

"I surrender...; Sweet abandon..."

Finally, the song crosses another level. When we love someone, we are ready to sacrifice what we want or who we are right now, for that person. We are ready to leave what we have for that certain somebody. We are ready to embrace a new chapter in our life alongside with that person. This is an act of love - sacrifice. 

When we refer to the song. The expression of love is not just a murmur of words or a play of actions. It is an abandonment of oneself for God. What Jesus had done on the cross is a perfect expression of love. If you are thinking to hang  yourself at the cross to equal that love, you are wrong. 

There is no perfect replay of that act of love.

We are not worthy for that. Only Jesus is. We are sinners, so we are not deserving for that sacrifice. But Jesus did it just for You. Because He loves you, and loves you very much.

What we can do is to offer our lives as living sacrifices for our Lord.

Saturday, August 7, 2010

Google Me: A rising rival of Facebook?

"Google me" sounds like a lame pickup line delivered near closing time, but it might also be Google's latest attempt at becoming relevant in social media...

Read more |

Thursday, August 5, 2010

Cryptography and Encryption - CryptoForge

Cryptography and Encryption - CryptoForge

This page is so cool. All encryption algorithms in one piece. Now think about, data security madness!

Factors to consider in creating algorithms

Factors to consider in creating algorithms

Encryption and Authentication are two things that are essential for Information Security. Any security mechanism is based upon a certain algorithm. However, some of these algorithms are vulnerable to certain attacks and can be broken easily by knowledgeable crackers. Fortunately, with the aid of newer technologies and a strong logical sense, one can devise a new algorithm that can withstand security attacks and provide a more secure alternative.

Nature of Data. In creating algorithms, one should first consider what kind of data are you protecting, if it is just securing a small and less private data, some of the existing algorithms can be used, but if you are protecting a bigger, more sensitive and confidential data, newer and proof-based algorithms must be used.

Key. This helps a person or computer figure out the one possibility on a given algorithm. The type of key to be used is also essential in generating algorithms. One must consider the key size - it pertains to the length of the key to be used. A larger key size means better security but at a cost of reduced performance. A smaller key, on the other hand is easier to figure out.  One must also consider the variability of the key. Is the key a mixture of characters or symbols?, or a combination of both? The variability refers also if the key was all through out the same or randomly generated.

Category of encryption system. There are two types of encryption systems, one is Symmetric-key, and the other is Asymmetric-key or Public key. Symmetric algorithms encrypt and decrypt with the same key. Main advantages of symmetric algorithms are its security and high speed. Asymmetric algorithms encrypt and decrypt with different keys. Data is encrypted with a public key, and decrypted with a private key. Asymmetric algorithms (also known as public-key algorithms) need at least a 3,000-bit key to achieve the same level of security of a 128-bit symmetric algorithm. Asymmetric algorithms are incredibly slow and it is impractical to use them to encrypt large amounts of data. However, symmetric algorithms are about 1,000 times faster than asymmetric ones1.

Speed. Finally, speed here refers to the length of time in encrypting data. The strength of encryption however, is indirectly proportional to speed, and speed is necessary in data transmission. Stronger algorithms are slower to encrypt as compared to less efficient ones. One must consider that in order to create algorithms, there should be a logical or mathematical basis. Lengthy computations create better encryption but take some time to finish. Communication requires fast transmission of data, but when security measures are conducted, data are transmitted slower as encrypting the data follows. 

Thursday, June 17, 2010

ALL IN ONE DAY: The series (Kabanata XIV)

Day 14

June 17, 2010

What I did today:
  • assisted in the production of media team
  • replaced defective PS/2 mouse
  • labelled defective system units
  • assisted troubleshooting block-out PCs
  • Handled and queued tech. support calls to be fixed
  • Assisted in installing U130 
  • Done cable management
  • Assisted fixing smartQ monitors
  • Fetched system units and peripherals from stock room

This is one of my memorable days. First of all, I had finished my internship today. However, I got a mixed feeling of gladness and a bit of sadness after that very hour. I felt very glad that I made it to the number of hours needed from ours, and finally I can concentrate more on our research-making, I felt sad because I had to leave this early and as a matter of fact, they were surprised that I finished earlier than they expected. How I wish that I could stay and bond with my mentors longer. How I wish that I could learn more things in the field that I am heading in. How I wish that I should have learn more things only if I stay. But reality is, It is time to  move forward, for there are lots of things to do.
Second, I was happy to be involved in this one-of-a-kind experience. I felt I was really a regular employee, I felt I belong, and I felt the real world, even face to face. I also learned a lot of practical and even technical knowledge about my chosen field. I also got to deal with demands and pressure which is all right for me, because It is a way of conditioning myself along the way. I also get to celebrate my birthday in a environment that I perhaps belong in the future. (Who knows?)
Third, I met people that does not hesitate to teach what they knew and to share things that I will be needing in the future. I am very thankful for these people (sorry, I cannot mention names because it is unethical, to think that a reader from any part of the world can view such information and eventually use them at the expense of others. That, I cannot permit to happen, and after all I signed the "Oath of Confidentiality" anyway.) and also to God for allowing these things to happen in my life.
To my "possible" avid reader/s: this might be the end of the series or who knows? It might be the beginning of a new chapter in my life. God, let your will be done.

14 days down, more exhilarating, exciting, and blessed days to come.
        God bless everyone!

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

ALL IN ONE DAY: The series (Kabanata XIII)

Day 13
June 15, 2010

What I did today:
  • Handled and queued Technical Support Calls
  • Assisted in installing all-in-1 PC 
  • Fetch and Deliver Peripherals
  • Assisted in production of Media team
  • Get PC Specifications
  • Clerical Duties
  • Industrial Chores
  • Wrapped PC and Peripherals

Today was one of my special days. You want to know why? Because, it's my birthday!
Well, this birthday was not even ordinary nor very extravagant, it was just explicitly exciting and engaging. First off, I slept late but I woke up very early. Next, the "train" event. If Japan is to Bullet Train, then Philippines is Light Railway Transit (LRT) / Metro Railway Transit (MRT). For most Filipinos, these are the ways that they can hop into any place faster and hopefully safer. Now back to the "train" event. I went to the station just in time for the next train to arrive. But looking to my mobile phone, It was still too early. For the first time in history, I was so frustrated that I am very early! Nevertheless, I just waited for the next train, anyway the time is rush hour so I will not have any problems waiting for the next one. And Alas, a BETTER train arrived, and I got a prized seat at the middle.  
I thought I will go through the day without anyone knowing it's my day. Unfortunately, because of Social Media Networks and "Tsismis" here and there, They had blown my cover and I had to admit that its my birthday. Way to go!
With regards to my work, I was having a good time performing my duties and getting along with my officemates. But on the other hand, I was sad that i need to leave days later because I am not a regular employee. I had developed some good working relationships with them but unfortunately, some good things never last.
It feels like a normal day, but the impact of social media such as Facebook and others created less beeps and more pops and more posts in the digital world. I was happy though that I get to reconnect to my friends and to my loved ones. I was really hoping that they did not forget me, and it was true enough. I love you guys!
"Maraming Salamat sa lahat ng bumati at naki-saya, binuhay niyo ang katawang lupa ko! God bless!"

13 days down, only 1 more to go. 

Thursday, June 10, 2010

ALL IN ONE DAY: The series (Kabanata XII)

Day 12

June 10, 2010

What I did today:
  • Round-checked on all LCD Monitors
  • Handled and queued Technical Support Calls
  • Assisted in installing network printer
  • Assisted in deploying PC
  • Assist in production of Media team
  • Set-upped PC
  • Formatted PC
  • Installed Software
  • Clerical Duties
  • Industrial Chores
  • Wrapped Peripherals
  • Installed Peripherals

What-a-day! I was still exhausted about everything that transpired. I want to sleep, and to rest. But I don't want to disappoint whoever my readers are. My unknown group of followers, Ah! what a dream! But, I am still working at everything and may be someday, I would be able to host my own site. DREAMS! 
The routine was very similar, I had to check this, set-up this, do this, or go to this area. Well, what I am experiencing is the same routine I will be doing months later. I remembered one of my mentors said that these activities are the same activities that I will be doing in case I am hired. I also have a slight feeling that this is actually a training ground for their prospective employee/s. Well, whether my feeling is true or not, I am really proud that I get to engage with the real world and experience what is to be an I.T personnel.
Today, I had more time doing our thesis, and indeed glad because they are not strict about it. I even had good laughs and some sharing with my mentors as well of my supervisor. However, something like a "reality check" happened in the late afternoon. I do not know what really happened but after I returned, "they" had suddenly realized their errors. 
Yes, it's true. It's not really good when you're pushed to the boundaries. But I know "they" learned their lesson.
The rain fell hard this afternoon, and that caused us eating at a nearby fast food chain. 
12 down, 2 to go.

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Is Hacking a Computer Crime?

June 9, 2010

       This question is very controversial for there are ethical implications of the act itself. It had also been a favorite topic between bloggers and members of forums. Now, the question if the act was ethical depends upon how it was done. The question if the act was legal depends if it is authorized or not. The question if the act is a criminal activity depends if it is under the provision of a law.

        This issue has also reached our shorelines and on the past few months, we have heard over the news that government websites are hacked by an unknown group of hackers that attempted to alter or destroy the data housed in these websites. It was also heard that there is a huge possibility of an electronic “Hello Garci” that can happen in the election. Another issue was if the PCOS machine can be hacked, and potential results can be manipulated according to one’s will. These issues alarmed several agencies and groups which are really concerned about the integrity of the elections. The good thing is, there is a provision in the law that guards integrity of all information stored in the internet, likewise the Republic Act 8792 or the E-Commerce Law. It was signed by former president Joseph E. Estrada on June 14, 2000. It took effect last June 19, 2000.

        From my point of view, Hacking is a double-edged sword, which is beneficial in some way, but is hazardously dangerous as well. First, we must define some terms. As the e-commerce law defined hacking, “it refers to unauthorized access into or interference in a computer system/server or information and communication system; or any access in order to corrupt, alter, steal, or destroy using a computer or other similar information and communication devices, without the knowledge and consent of the owner of the computer or information and communications system, including the introduction of computer viruses and the like, resulting in the corruption, destruction, alteration, theft or loss of electronic data messages or electronic documents.” Crime on the other hand, is a specific act committed in violation of the law. As we analyze these two terms, Hacking can be considered as a crime if and only if, first, it is under the law and second, it is done without the consent of the owner. So, the bottom line is: Hacking without the consent of the owner is considered as a crime.

In the end, what waits for violators of the law is also stated in RA 8792; “ shall be punished by a minimum fine of One Hundred Thousand pesos (P 100,000.00) and a maximum commensurate to the damage incurred and a mandatory imprisonment of six (6) months to three (3) years.” In short, crime pays, big time.

However, there are certain circumstances that even if the intentions of the hacker was good, in fact he did not alter anything or delete any important information, but he was not given permission by the owner or any person in charge to do so; Then, the act was still a crime. This was the scenario I browsed in one forum. (

Yes, what he did was ethical. In addition, he was willing to offer his services to the company. However, if we analyze carefully what is stated in the E-commerce law, if hacking was done without permission or without legal consent, it is considered a violation of the law and appropriate legal actions should be taken. On the lighter side, if the owner dismisses the claims or waives what just happened, the violator will not be punished.

One sad thing here is, not all people knew this law and authorities often ignore it. In addition, this law is not strictly imposed in the Philippines, and many violators go unpunished.

I just hope that eventually, the Philippine Government will be more than willing in implementing more laws against these computer crimes as we embrace more of newer technologies around us.

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

ALL IN ONE DAY: The series (Kabanata XI)

Day 11

June 8, 2010

What I did today:
  • Round-checked on all LCD Monitors
  • Handled and queued Technical Support Calls
  • Assisted troubleshooting PC
  • Set-upped & Deployed PC
  • Formatted PC
  • Installed Software
  • Clerical Duties
  • Industrial Chores
  • Wrapped Peripherals

Lots of strange stuff today. First, I brought my umbrella for no reason, (maybe it's a natural tendency for me to be prepared at all times; Boyscout per se. Second, lots of people encouraged me to do something but at the back of my mind again, still commands me to do otherwise. I still believe in one philosophy, "The future is a like a treasure in a map, we must choose wisely the right paths to take in order to reach the prize."  I think I must weigh and consider. Third, I saw a mice at one of our "RESTRICTED" rooms. Strange? Yes, it really happened. It might had been frightened the moment I saw it because it rapidly run away from me. Lastly, what I expected did not really happened, but what happened later is really fun.

Happy Birthday to one of my cousins. ASN BROTHERHOOD rocks!
Happy Birthday to all of my friends, acquaintances, classmates and schoolmates who has just added another year in their lives!
Happy Birthday to all! ...Just to be sure :)
And, a week after this day, may be one of my special day!

11 days down, 3 to go!

Thursday, June 3, 2010

ALL IN ONE DAY: The series (Kabanata X)

Day 10

June 3, 2010

What I did today:
  • Handled and queued Technical Support Calls
  • Assisted troubleshooting PC
  • Set-upped & Deployed PC
  • Formatted PC
  • Installed Software
  • Clerical Duties
  • Industrial Chores

Today's theme was Independence & Trust. I was sad though that I would not have a companion anymore because my co-intern just finished his internship with the company last time. and;
I was pissed off by various things today. First, It rained while I'm on my way to the office. Second, was long queues and unpredictable clients. Third, I was expecting something, but it didn't happen. Fourth, by the persons who are simply happy-go-lucky, and Finally, I lost something that is very important! "RAWR!"
Still, on the brighter side of this day, I am happy because I was entrusted with doing tasks alone. In short, my mentor/s are gaining their trust in my skills and abilities. I was also becoming more comfortable in my duties and I get along with my mentors.

10 Days has passed, 4 days to go.

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

ALL IN ONE DAY: The series (Kabanata IX)

Day 9
June 1, 2010

What I did today:
  • Round checked LCD Monitors around the training center
  • Handled and queued Technical Support Calls
  • Assisted troubleshooting and replacing printer
  • Assisted in Production of Media
  • Assisted in Installing UPS
  • Reset the Wireless Router
  • Set-upped PC
  • Help desk
More challenging tasks today.  I had a good time performing my tasks and I am also gaining a lot of confidence for I am getting more familiar with the field I am heading in the future. 
While I am writing this post for this blog, I am experiencing  a mild headache, maybe due to changing weather conditions and I think my body misses the work. Furthermore, I am still recovering from the weekend slumber and the stress that schoolworks gave. More Adjustments to go!
My co-intern just had his last day at the office. Good Job! See you soon!
I had a really hectic schedule but some folks would think that writing this post is just a waste of time. Yes, it eats up a parcel of my precious time, but this art of writing helps me to express what I feel and share my experiences with the whole world. 

Thursday, May 27, 2010

ALL IN ONE DAY: The series (Kabanata VIII)

Day 8

May 27, 2010

What I did today:

  • Handled and queued Technical Support Calls
  • Assisted troubleshooting and fixing map network drives
  • Handled signing of acknowledgments and distribution of receipts
  • Round checked LCD Monitors around the training center
  • Set-upped PC
  • Wrapped Monitors and PC units
  • Tested and Labelled Headphones
  • Assisted in inventory of Packaged PC and Monitor units
  • Checked PC Specifications 
  • Installed software
  • Clerical Duties
Busiest day so far again. If you read my checklist, i changed it into bullets because it is not done on a certain order and what you have just read is the revised activities that commenced earlier this day. I changed it into a more specific description just to be concise. 

Going back, this day was colder than the previous ones. The rain also fell hard this morning but fortunately, it did stopped when we arrived at the office. 
Conclusively, I handled more activities now. I was confident now at my duties. I owe some of these training to my mentors, supervisors, as well as my co-intern. I think what I do lack now is communication skills. But, there is a sure room for that in the future. But for now,  I think I should enhance more my skills and abilities and learn more from my present environment.

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

AMA Computer University (First Trimester '10-'11)

To all AMA Computer University (Project 8, Quezon City) Students:

4th of May 2010: marks our opening of classes. Pack up your bag, prepare your outfit and brace yourselves for tomorrow will be the official start of the first trimester. Do not forget to bring you Certificate of Registration (COR) and some papers. (If they require you to do so) 

Freshmen: Be ready to meet some new friends and expose yourselves to the place you will be in the succeeding years. Join organizations of your preference, which will be your Ates' and Kuyas' inside the school premises and will also give you some helpful tips and advices you need in college. Be sure to make this day unforgettable. God Bless you guys!

Seniors: Be ready for a huge surprise! Hope for the best!

"God bless us all!"

ALL IN ONE DAY: The series (Kabanta VII)

DAY 7 

May 25, 2010

What I did today:
            1. Attend to calls for support
            2. Round check on all LCD Monitors
            3. Wrap PC
            4. Check and Verify System Unit Specifications
            5. Set-up PC
            6. Technical Support
            7. Install Software/Applications
            8. Industrial Duties

"I had so much to tell that I need to divide it into two parts (ready?)"

BAD: At one point, why do I need to mention the worst part first? This is because of the good and better things that happened later on. (So let's see) I had to commute early because of some matters. In fact, this is my first time to go to the office just by myself. I was really frustrated that I made a wrong decision not to stop at one station and that led me to walking for several blocks to reach that other station. I was really perspiring at that moment. When the train had arrived, someone or "they" pushed me harshly just to sit to better seats. I thought afterwards, why do they need to do that, if they can perform it in a well-organized manner.

BETTER: Surprisingly, I arrived earlier than others. (I thought I would be late for the first time!) Today has less calls and more engaging activities, which I prefer most. If you will re-read my checklist, This, so far is the busiest day. I am glad that I handled calls better than the last time, I also get to finish my tasks faster than my average time. I also experienced my first unattended technical support, which I am really proud because of this achievement. I also got my personal computer unit and hopefully in the future, my account. I experienced the LOVE which stands for "Love Of Vending Experience" twice. And even though I departed later than my usual time, I am still overwhelmed and ecstatic about the great things that happened to me this day. Thank You God!